Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Feeling Conflicted

Yesterday Michael and I went to our first Doctor's visit together! My main concern was seeing the baby on the ultrasound and being cleared to exercise again. We got to see the baby, who has grown so much since my last visit, and it moved! It turned it's whole body towards us while we were looking at it! From the side it looks like a little teddy bear with it's nubs for arms and legs, super cute! The Doctor said I could start exercise again as I have not had any more problems, however I'm not gonna lie, she wasn't sure that running was going to be a good idea. I wanted to leave that part out of my blog but in the real world you can't just edit out the parts of your life that you don't like so I'm including it because it is what the Doctor said and it does bother me. I'm going to run anyway, she didn't say not to, she simply explained her concern with it while also admitting that being a personal trainer makes me a special case. I feel that her concern is unfounded. There's research about pregnancy and running and what she said never came up in the research that I've looked at. There are plenty of women before me who have continued running through pregnancy and they didn't have the problem that this Doctor suggested. It isn't as if I am a new runner, I've been running since middle school and I just spent the last three years road racing competitively. My 5k PR is a respectable time and I see no reason for me to lose that when my pregnancy is not considered high risk. I know now that I was pushing myself too hard early in pregnancy and I won't do that anymore. I went for a jog today only a mile and a half and I walked for a few minutes at every half mile. Despite the slow pace it felt great to get back to it, I will slowly work my way back up to at least three miles, keeping in mind that it's not about speed anymore. After the run I did some squats, push ups, leg raises, and a couple kipping pull ups.  Here is an article written by a woman's personal account of running while pregnant that gave me some hope today: Running While Pregnant

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